Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Perception Jolted

In the long-term aftermath of my life attack on my "heart soil",the lessons emerge.As i look back, i see how the attack pricked a fragile bubble of my emotion that surrounded me.
The horror caused me to look twice at my own perception.The peaceful life i had enjoyed had blinded me.Now, with my perception jolted, i can look again.
Don't get wrong idea.I'm not saying that the attacks were justified.I did learn a lessons about myself, however.I had fallen into a complacency that ignored the world's problem, assuming that i was safe behind a barrier of family protection.
But the attack brought those problems right into my life, with all of their horrific consequences.Then only..I realized what kind of world i live in, and how powerless i am to change it by relying on my own strength.
We all have weakness that God exposes through tests and challenges.HE reveals our pride so that we will become humble and obedient.
Going through a tough experience?I'm recognize what God is teaching me about my weakness, and i'll humbly seek HIS true strenght.

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