Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's The Point?

What's the point?This question came to mind as grandpa lost his legs.
He always told us that he would just as soon die as live any longer.
He had seen and done everything he had wanted to do.
What's the point?That's what im always asked after daddy left.
I slipped in trouble and there is a mountain of problem need to encounter slowly.
What's the point?Here it is.
Live is a wonderful experince.
It's marvelous to see that God keeps nature going in its pattern
It's wonderful to know that we're here to love God above everything
and to love our neighbour as ourselves
It's comforting that to believe that all our sins are forgiven
because of what Christ did on the cross
It's exciting to think about the eternity God has for us
It's sure great to be alive
Life can be depreessing when God is left out.
But how exciting it is when He is at the center!
The life that counts is linked with God
And hopes in His unfailing love:
It walks with joy where Jesus trod
The life that counts is from above.

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